File Defender allows you to protect a single or a group of files using the XTEA block cipher (extended Tiny Encryption Algorithm). Protected files are packed inside an executable file, so that nobody will be able to open and read them after they have been protected, with the exception of those who possess the password. The program has two operational modes: "Protect file" or "Extract data from protected file". With the first mode you can add the files you wish to protect. You can browse your computer to select the desired files or directly drag and drop them from the Windows Explorer to the File Defender main window, where all the files will be listed. After adding the files, you can set some parameters (inside the "Protection settings" window), such as save/delete the original file after protection, save the original file time, and enable compression. At the moment that the "Protect" button is pressed, a pop-up window will request the password for protecting the listed files. You have to type the password two times in order to validate it because protected files won't be open without the valid password. You can use the Password Generator to create complex passwords. With the Extract mode you can extract the packed files; you just have to type the correct password to extract them.